Have No Fear, New England Propane is Here! :: New England Propane
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Fill out this quick contact form to get in touch with New England Propane. Need something more specific? Get in touch with us on our general contact form here.

NOTE: If you are having a heat emergency, please call the office immediately. Do not use e-mail to alert us to an emergency. Thank you!



Have No Fear, New England Propane is Here!

When it comes to home comfort services that are as reliable and versatile as propane itself, the only company you need to know is New England Propane. We know everything there is to know about providing dependable deliveries and outstanding home comfort services. Part of our commitment to you includes around-the-clock services when an emergency strikes!  


Emergency Services

Here's a scary thought. You are preparing a delicious meal for friends or family when all of a sudden you feel a chill in the air, and you realize your heat has stopped working. Oh no! Have no fear, because New England Propane will be here! What sets us apart from other companies is that we are truly a 24/7/365 company. We always keep a live operator on-call to speak with you and a service technician to promptly return your heat to normal. You can rest assured knowing that New England Propane will be there for you day or night.


Safety Inspections and Leak Tests

No-heat emergencies aren’t the only situations we respond to emergency calls for. While leaks involving propane equipment are rare, it’s important to quickly have it checked out if you suspect a leak. Our team will perform a thorough examination of your entire propane system to establish if there is a leak and help come up with adequate solutions. We also perform GASCheck™ safety inspections that will provide you with a full printout regarding the safety of your propane equipment.


Your safety always comes first at New England Propane. Whether it’s on a Sunday night or before a big family dinner, for an emergency service, call us at 203-792-7654